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Sunday, March 30, 2008


wahahah me and sheryl got transfered from audi to lt1 for math lecture. tsk. im alright with thinking that Louiza replaced us. but im definitely not alright with the idea of Yagnya replacing us. k im not trying to be racist but i've always thought that her math cmi, especially when mdm lim always picks on her.

another point im definitely not happy with is that I WOULD BE IN THE SAME LECTURE THEATRE AS DISSHON THAT BASTARD FOR MATH! freaking asshole who licks that black man's boots(i wanted to put "ass" but decided that's too crude XD)

but oh well, i got another person to pei zang - ho gian. k lah it's kinda a sad case for her cuz she just needed two marks to get back into audi. oh well, let's all jiayou to get our asses back into the audi for math lectures. =D i dont really know what it's for, but ahh.. anything lah, take it as there's more face if you're back in the audi lo. =D

in the meantime, ppl in the audi don't miss me too much! =D

oh yea, i couldnt realize what i said the other time cuz i went to the doc's on thurs. he gave me a 2 day mc =DD k i dont know if it's cuz my cough is really that bad, or that cuz he realizes that he made me wait for him for bout 45min cuz he went for lunch after i went to wait instead of during his lunch time or something, that he gave me the 2 day mc. either ways, i'm glad i didnt go to school yesterday cuz i was coughing rather badly x.x

but damn! i missed the drama on thurs! wahahaha stupid black man, ultimately, teachers are afraid of the principal, so if you're a teacher, dont do bad stuffs yea =D can't wait for wednesday's civics lesson to come to see him apologise to us =D this is like the first time im so excited about a BLOODY CIVICS lesson. tsk XD we'll see how it goes. X)

2:10 AM

Thursday, March 27, 2008

lol, just as how tactless some stupid turtle was last year, another tactless black man has surfaced to irritate our dear licia, and in this case, practically the whole class. tsk he replied at 11plus pm so i assume other than me, and probably siti, nobody else saw the msg. either ways, the grammer-error-loaded msg, filled with contradictions, would definitely be critized to the ultimate tmr when i show my classmates the 10-msg long sms i saved his reply in.

lol, he said to confront him upfront, sure we will.

either ways,


1:00 AM

Monday, March 24, 2008

lol these are very very very late pictures. X) ahh, it's the pictures i took with my phone in hk so the quality aint that good. oh yea, when i was there, i didnt really take photos with the ppl despite the so many angmohs in the international schools X) ah, another thing, the pictures arent in any exact order, partly cuz i take rather random photos, and cuz im lazy to arrange them in sequence. XD

with angela before the trip.

lol some dare between audrey and cheekeen. for $5, audrey vandalized the back of cheekeen's neck and he's not to cover it his way home from clementi/bukit timah back to bedok or tanah merah. tsk. just in case u cant really see what it is, it's the pic of two men fucking each other and "give me some of these" X)

inside the airport in HK

the streets

one of the entrance to the mongkok train station

can u see it? lol it's a sign on almost every traffic light! lol it's a person being hit by a car. lol apparently its purpose is to warn ppl of oncoming cars but, do they have to do it in such a comical way? XD

lol! i have no idea what the hell is that OMG sign doing outside of a lighting shop. X)


lol they say this looks like a dick, or is it another building? hmm.. x.x

ferry! X)

the scenaries? lol

i was trying to take a pic of the water i guess, so much ripples, so giddy... x.x


some sunk-in chair in the restaurant i spent 37 bucks for the stupid buffet meal in. oh yea, nicholas sat on it for the dinner. how stupid? couldnt he just change the chair? tsk weirdo

ahh pizza with the ppl from the first school we went to.

ain't this guy cute? he's a 6th grader i think, either ways he's our age! X)

the debating seats

the audience seats X)

the toilet in some other sch

and another school. lol
this was yet in another school lol. group photo eh?
i thought he was nice. but k lah, he's nicer than the rest. lol still, bitchy.

big isnt this?

that is a CEMETRY! lol how does all these people stand schooling near a cemetry man. anyway i think it's there cuz the school's on top of a hill. tsk

ah btw, if you're thinking why the hell did i take so many pictures of the same place, i guess i was trying to make the link lol
yan3 kan4 shou3 hu1 dong1! lol, it's fruits, did the auntie think it's some treasure? tsk

some really cute stuff i saw in this store. lol it's bout 50 bucks.

ahh.. i only rmb this is the school i enjoyed myself most in. the ppl are very nice and in the grouping thingy for mini debates session i met 2 singaporeans! who of course migrated to hk. one was damn ah beng cuz he moved there not long ago but still cool. i guess cuz he spoke very little and aww, he's got a gf alr. XD

the people.

k, this is another school, with very very enthusiastic people. i think it's called Swiss Germany something. lol.
i was trying to take the back of my head when she came in, and she wasn't happy the focus was so high..

so we took another one.

some top debator debating. i heard he's rather arrogant about his debating skills, but oh well, he lost like twice. tsk.

umm.. i can't remember, but it should be something funny that's hooked to this guy's bag. lol

with Justin

the view outside i forgot where. lol

the view from the top of the school. i think it's South Island. lol i guess i only rmb it's at the top of some hill.

in the school...
the door into the hall. i think it's cool, like in the horror movies XD

there's a CHRISTMAS TREE IN THE SCHOOL HALL!! oh that's sing chye and min.

the front

the middle

and the back.

from the back of the hall.

ehh, the back of the hall X)
some cool shit i found in the school

lol, ain't the tree big?

some school choir was singing in the shopping mall. i bet i looked like some stupid tourist taking photo x.x

ehh, the toilet bowls in some shopping centre. cool huh? so nice leh X)

the walkway on the 8th floor of Dorsett Olympic Hotel

going in..

our room! X)

lols, some sight behind the taxi driver seat.

k i dont wanna end with all the HK memory, so yep some random stuffs in my phone X)

christmas tree 2007 at vivo

the Russian Roulette setting at sheraton on new year's eve count down party. X) loads of ang moh babes that night XD

with licia at choir dinner at fish & co. X)

with leelian
chocolates from sheraton (:

anyway, im having breakouts. =( plus diarrhea. lol im having em since thurs. have you ever tried shitting 3 times within 2 hours, 45 minutes before your last SA paper? tsk im like shitting everything i eat now. x.x

12:28 AM


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